Dean Academic Affairs

Dr. Sonam Joldan Dean Academic Affairs

Dr. Sonam Joldan is currently working as faculty in the Centre for Himalayan and Trans-Himalayan Studies, University of Ladakh. Previously, he had been working as Assistant Professor in the Rinchen Shah Centre for West Himalayan Cultures, Islamic University of Science and Technology, Kashmir.

He has completed his M.Phill and Ph.D, from the School of International Studies, JNU. He has numerous publications including a book on Ladakh and Tibet relations and research papers also. Besides, he has presented many papers in national and international seminars/ conferences. He has been carrying out research work in a very interesting area of research, both tropical and geographical.

At present, he is working as principal investigator on a major research project on Ladakh funded by Indian Council under the Impactful Policy Research in Social Sciences.

As a Dean Research in the University Ladakh, he is encouraging faculty members and students to involve in research. They are also focusing research capacities of students and faculty members. Already they have organized several research methodologies courses. Besides, they are also having research collaboration with many national and international institutions.



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