Centre for Space Science and Allied Subjects

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The “Centre for Space Science and Allied Subjects” is a first focal point in the trans-Himalayan University of Ladakh, located in Ladakh UT, to advance education in remote sensing and geoinformatics, and allied disciplines. It will create awareness among the society on space science and its multiple applications, and will be a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in the field of Remote Sensing and GIS applications in the Ladakh UT.

The Centre will contribute in human resource development through quality education and research. It is envisaged that Centre will address regional environmental and other issues through research and developmental activities using space applications. The Centre will advance the knowledge on space science and related technologies in Ladakh and elsewhere through PG and PhD programmes, and geo-spatial database creation for research and management of natural resources.


  1. To provide quality education for academic excellence in space science and allied disciplines as post-graduate programme, and advancing scientific knowledge through research degree programme.
  2. To build capacity of youth and to enable environment for developing employment potentials using space science and allied technologies.
  3. To pursue high quality research through R&D projects by utilizing Space Science tools for welfare of Ladakh society, and organize Workshops/Seminars for knowledge dissemination and capacity building.

    Target and Perceived Achievements:

    1. PG Course on Remote Sensing & GIS - This course will develop capacity of students to operate professionally and make them capable to critically reflect their works. (MSc RS & GIS, In-person).
    2. PhD Course on applications and development of Geo-spatial Technologies through innovative ideas (PhD RS & GIS, In-person) to build capacity of student in a self-directed and autonomous manner to solve scientific and practical problems, and develop research aptitude.
    3. Conduct educational programmes of Indian Space Research Organization for the undergraduate/postgraduate/PhD students of University of Ladakh as a study centre of Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (Certificate Courses, on-line). This will build the capacity of students in applying principles, concepts, methods and techniques in the context of their studies with component of geo-informatics.
    4. Independent and Collaborative Research Projects/Consultancy with other organizations to advance the knowledge, capacity building, and development of geo-spatial databank for carrying out research and developing the Academia–Industry ecosystem.
    5.  Short-term Training Programmes/Workshops/Conferences for awareness and capacity building.


    Advisory Board:

    1.    Vice-Chancellor, University of Ladakh, Leh

    2.    Director, Space Application Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad

    3.    Director, National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO, Hyderabad

    4.    Director, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO, Dehradun

    5.    Director, G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, Almora


To contribute in knowledge advancement and capacity building in Ladakh UT through quality education in Space Science applications to be utilize for addressing regional issues of development.


To develop a “Centre of Excellence” through academic excellence and novel research in the area of Space Science technologies along with human resource development by maintaining high academic standards.

Best Practices

Industry Collaboration for Student Trainings and Dissertation Work

Research collaboration with organizations of ISRO



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