Social Work in Disability Studies and Action

News & Alerts:

  • ·         To be exposed to various perspectives in understanding disability, persons with disability and their families within their varied contexts and environments.
  • ·        To apprehend critique and analysis the complexities of the social realities of the field of disability, person with disability and their families and the range of related issues in their systematic and structural contexts.
  • To apprehend, critique and analyze the complexities of the social realities of the field of disability, persons
  • ·                  with disability and their families, and the range of related issues in their systemic and structural contexts.

    ·         To design and promote research for strengthening the knowledge and interventions for quality social work education and application to promote social change and empowerment through advocacy in the areas of social policy and right based entitlements. 

    • ·         Educate students and collaborate with others to advance change within the social work pr

    • To create and advance social work knowledge and prepare a diverse student body for social work practices that promotes social justices, with a particular focus on person with disability.
      • ·         To contribute to building a new social order based on human dignity and social justices.

      • ·         To create a cadre of professional social workers with competency in empowering people with disability and all other stakeholder with regard to this issues. 
      Best Practices




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