MoU between University of Ladakh and NITTE Deemed to be University
The parties agree and acknowledge that the terms of this MoU and the discussions relating to the proposed collaborative activities are confidential including any information disclosed whether in writing, verbally (reduced to writing within 30 days) or by any other means in relation to the purpose of this MoU and neither party will disclose them without the prior written consent of the other party.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Ashoka Trust For Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), Bengaluru
ATREE and UoL have agreed for institutional collaboration in education and research. The primary objective is to promote interaction and collaboration between faculty, staff, and students of the two institutions through visits and exchange programmes, carry out joint academic and research programmes for faculty and students, joint supervision of doctoral and masters students, and develop research infrastructure on a reciprocal basis.
MoU between University of Ladakh and National Rehabilitation Institute (NRI) Chandigarh
During the tenure of the MoU/ Subsequent Project Agreement and five years thereafter "UoL" and "NRI" undertake on their behalf and on behalf of its sub-contractors/employees/associate to maintain strict confidentiality and prevent disclosure thereof, of all the information and data exchage/ generated pertaining to work under this MoU/ Agreement for any purpose other than in accordance with this MoU. Both parties however retain the rights to use their Research and Development (R&D) results genera
MoU between University of Ladakh and Firgun
UoL and FSIF agree to jointly develop and offer certificate and diploma courses in areas including Digital Skills, Digital Marketing, Skill Development in Travel and Tourism, and Employment Readiness Programs. These programs aim to equip students, particularly youth and women, with relevant skills to foster employability and entrepreneurial ventures in Ladakh.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Protoplanet (PP)
Union territory of ladakh has significant potential to support space science and engineering research and training activities, given its proximity to various natural scientific terrestrial analogues to support Moon, Mars and outer Exploration. the purpose of this MoU, between UoL and PP is to jointly carry out research and student, faculty training activities in the areas of (not limited to) Astrobiology, Planetary sciences, Space Environment, Space instrumentation and Space Robotics.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Gujurat Institute of Disaster Management
Given the backgrounds of the two parties and the potential areas of partnership, this memorandum represents a framework of cooperation between GIDM and UoL specifically on joint training services, strengthening training capacity, joint research activity, documentation and case study, consultancy/ advisory services on relevant matters and development and sharing of DRM technical expertise through mutually identified means and modalities. GIDM and UoL will collaborate to identify ways to implement
MOU with Ladakh Mountaineering & Adventure Club
Whereas, the UoL shall select and nominate their students for the mentioned special course; and, MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Whereas, the UoL, shall have adequate faculty and staff for the care and supervision of the assigned students; and, Whereas, the UoL, shall make lodging and Boarding arrangement and, Whereas, the UoL shall arrange certificates and other required documents for the course; THEREFORE, Ladakh Mountaineering and Adventure Club [LMAC] shall extend facilities for the special cou
MoU between University of Ladakh and Himalayan Aryan Heritage Labdak Museum Garkone
UoL and Himalayan Aryan Heritage Labdak Museum Garkone(HAHLMG) may jointly work to build data repositories, which have the potential to significantly impact the preservation of tribals intangible cultural heritage and the formulation of policies and strategies to address issues.
MoU between University of Ladakh and HCL Technologies Limited
Pursuant to this MoU, the parties further intended to collaborate in the following areas:
Career Shaper platform access for students and teachers
Development and implementation of Curated learning programs and Labs (course/ specialization / minor degree) as decided by the Institute
Faculty Dvelopment and Refresher Programs
Industry Visits and Engagement programs (Webinars/ Knowledge Sessions)
Co-Creation of new programs
Collaborative Certification Programs
Centre of Excellence
MoU between University of Ladakh and Somaiya Vidyavihar University Mumbai
This MoU is intended to facilitate mutually beneficial programmes and activities so that students and faculty are well prepared for the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly interconnected world. it will draw upon the strength of both parties to achieve outcomes that are in line with the respective programmed objectives of both institutions and may include, but not be limited to:
cultural immersion program, exchange of students :
Exchange of faculty, scholar and administrative staff
MoU between University of Ladakh and Ch. Ramesh Chand Charitable Trust (CRCCT)
The Purpose of MoU is to Greening of University Campus in Leh in which irrigation facilities will be developed and mass plantation will be done in University area. CRCC Trust will assist to Ladakh University in the development of greenery and youth development programs in Ladakh Region.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) Ahmedabad
The purpose of this MoU, between the University of Ladakh, UT Administration of Ladakh and EDII, is to support the UT of Ladakh in building one of the most entrepreneurship-friendly destinations in India by promoting entrepreneurship education, training, policy research and incubation support across the UT of Ladakh. Under this MoU, EDII will implement the Entrepreneurship Development Activities.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Campus Technology
Campus Technology, a unit of Kahan Technology private Limited, Portfolio Company of Times of India Group
The company is presently engaged in providing Campus management and Data Management Software (Services)
MoU between University of Ladakh and Indian Institute of Technology Ropar (IIT Ropar)
The objective of this co-operation is to foster collaboration and facilitate the advancement of knowledge on the basis of reciprocity, best effort, mutual benefit an frequent interactions.
IIT Ropar and University of Ladakh agree to explore the possibility of engaging in the following areas of collaboration but not limited to:
Exchange of intellectual know-how and resources between the institutes.
Partnership in innovation and entrepreneurship driven opportunities and resources.
MoU between University of Ladakh and The IIT Ropar Technology and Innovation Foundation for the Agriculture & Water Technology Development IHub (AWaDH)
To facilitate a wide range of interactions between iHub-AWaDH and University of Ladakh and thereby lend greater strength to the activities of mutual interest aimed at serving society through the technology and innovations in the domain of, but not limited to, Sustainable Agriculture and Water in the framework of National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical System (NIM-ICPS)
MoU between University of Ladakh and Department of Wildlife Protection, UT of Ladakh
The Department of Wildlife Protection and University of Ladakh have agreed for institutional collaboration in research. The primary objective is to promote interaction and collaboration between faculty/ officers and other staff of the two institutions by developing research infrastructure at Mountain Research Institute (MRI), University of Ladakh which will support analytical work of Department of Wildlife Protection as and when required.
Mou between University of Ladakh and Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET), Pune
Whereas both C-MET and University of Ladakh, (herein after called parties) desire to carry out programs for promoting 'Academic Coorporation, hereafter referred to as "programs" , jointly with the diligence and efficiency as desired within this MOU in conformity with appropriate Administrative, Financial, Research and Educational practices and implement all such plans and activities and reforms as required for the Program.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Ladakh Skill Development Mission
Ladakh Skill Development Mission, NIELIT Leh and University of Ladakh have envisioned a partnership for the introduction of Skill Course / Vocational Courses, setting up / upgradation of lab infrastructure, implementation of skill Development Programmers in Govt. Degree Colleges, Govt. Polytechnic colleges, Govt. it is & Govt. School of the UT of Ladakh.
The objective of the partnership is to have a formal understanding between the parties for providing trainings for enhancing the employability
MoU between University of Ladakh and Punjab Engineering College
Undertaking joint research on mutual sharing basis.
Contribution to teaching training programme
MoU between University of Ladakh and Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine London (UK)
The parties wish to work together to investigate the Ladakh’s potential as an analog site for Mars. Parties will conduct a joint study to explore how the environment of the Ladakh affects biosignature detection. One of the aims will be to identify the strata with the highest potential to hold biosignatures. This will inform current and future Mars rover missions of he most appropriate sites to look for organics.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
To mutually plan and conduct lectures/ workshops/ symposia / conference/ other similar events in mutually agreeable areas at the state/ national / international level.
MoU between University of Ladakh and The Trustees of Columbia University Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
This MoU is to help enable the Parties to explore possible opportunities for collaboration in mutually agrees of research and other scholarly activities.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Economic Growth and Development Dialogue
The objective of this MoU is to set up a framework for the participants to cooperate in the areas of investment promotion, sustainable development & economic growth in Ladakh
MoU between University of Ladakh and MoU with Hydrocarbon Sector Skill Council
The objective of this MOA/collaboration is to execute skill development initiatives in the hydrocarbon and allied sectors, focusing on entry-level workforce engaged in Industry, Service providers, Project sites and upskilling & Reskilling of workforces for leadership development for technical and managerial expertise.
MoU between University of Ladakh and USI Centre for Military History and Conflict Studies
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) shall serve as a written understanding of mutually agreed principles between UOL and USI-CMHCS to undertake activities of mutual interest to the two institutions
MoU between University of Ladakh and Ladakh Buddhist Association
This MoU and the action taken under it may be reviewed at any time. Modification, if any, shall be made by mutual agreement and any amendment to or extension of the MoU shall be formalized by the exchange of letters between the two institution.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Art of Living
UoL & SSRDP will collaborate and work together for creating, outling & collating a comprehensive roadmap for Himalayan Natural Resource Management & Ecosystem Restoration to Knowledge Forums and Conference
MoU between University of Ladakh and Wageningen University & Research Netherland
As past of a constant endeavor to promote mutual understanding and international academic cooperation, an agreement is hereby entered entered into on cooperation cooperation between designed chair plant Ecology and Nature conservation(PEN), department of Environmental Science.
MoU between University of Ladakh and National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)
To expand LDS network with the active support from UOL, Ladakh, in term of installations of LDS system at UOL collaboration of data maintenance of the LDS system, dissemination of the data to NRSC and utilization of the ligtning data for scientific use.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Factorize Faridabad,Haryana
University of Ladakh and Factorize have a common objective of providing quality and relevant to market place education at competitive fees and towards this desirous of collaborating and jointly offering various online short term courses programs.
MoU between University of Ladakh and NIELIT
To promote interaction between NIELIT-Leh/Kargil and the University of Ladakh in mutually beneficial areas. The budding graduates from the institutions could play a key role in technological up-gradation, innovation and competitiveness of an industry. Both parties believe that close cooperation between the two would be of major benefit to the student community to enhance their skills and knowledge.
MoU between University of Ladakh and The Grassroots Institute (Canada)
The Universities shall collaborate and support, each other academically, by conducting joint academic activities for smooth and effective growth of their respective School/Department/Centres/Programmes/Courses
MoU with Guru Jambheshwar Universityd of Science & Technology, Hisar
The Universities shall collaborate and support, each other academically, by conducting joint academic activities for smooth and effective groeth of their respective School/Department/Centres/Programmes/Courses.
CSIR- National Geophysical Research Institute (CAIR-NGRI), Hyderabad
University of Ladakh (UoL) and the CSIR- National Geophysical Research Institute (CSIR-NGRI), hereinafter called "the parties" agree to coordinate and collaboration.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Strategic Educational Private Limited (Think Ahead ACCA)
The purpose of this MoU is to set out the understanding between the parties without any intention to create legal relation, rather in the spirit of mutual cooperation.
MoU between University of Ladakh and iHUB DivyaSampark IIT Roorkee
The purpose of this MoU is to formalize an intent to collaborate on events and network facilitation to explore opportunities for Cyber Physical System (CPS) related innovation and partnerships between University of Ladakh and iHUB DivyaSampark.
MoU between University of Ladakh and CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad
CSIR-IICT and UOL agreed to enter into separate agreements on case to case basis, with the scope of work involving terms and conditions, financial arrangements, Intellectual Property Rights and respective responsibilities.
MoU between University of Ladakh and International Advanced Research Centre (ARCI)
This MoU intends to build cuuperation betweeen UOL and ARCI to learn and develop further on the respective parties core strengths and institutional objectives in the public interest to jointly undertake the traing programs, research studies, and Technology Development.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Rishihood University, Sonepat
Where as, RU and UOL have many areas of common interest, considerable advantage may be gained from their pursuit on a collaboration basis in the fields of academics, education and research. Now therefore, RU and UOL have decided to enter into this Memorandum of Understanding (here in after referred to as MoU), which defines the framework for the cooperation of the two institutions.
MoU between University of Ladakh and XIV Corps or Fire and Fury the Indian Army
This agreement is mader for pursing various online /offline courses as per Appendix attached to this MoU AND THE AGREEMENT is operated through the chairman of the steering committee and Dean of the Associate.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Jammu
The MoU between IIM Jammu and University of Ladakh is intended to establish a partnership, Training and research cooperation and collaboration.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Kirloshar Institute of Management, Harihar and Pune
The aim of both institution is to develop and offer higher education of the highest quality that effectively addresses human resources needas in society, by applying innovative student centered outcome-based learning methodologies. Parties intend to share knowledge, experiience, and educational research results and to support each other in further educational development.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Czech Academy of the science, Prague
The purpose of this agreement is to develop scientific cooperation on the basis of equality and reciporocity, and to promote sustainable partnership and mutual understanding between the Institute of Archaelogy of Czech Academy of Science, Prague Republic and the University of Ladak, India. Both may be referred to individually as the "party" or collectively as the "parties".
MoU between University of Ladakh and Soth Asia Institute (SAI) Germany
As part of a constant endeavor to promote mutual understanding and international academic cooperation, an agreement is hereby enterd into on cooperation between designated department of the South Asian Institute (SAI) of Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany, represnted by its Executive Director, Prof. Dr. Kama Malclean and the University of Ladakh, represented by its Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Surinder Kumar Mehta.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Dr. B.R. Ambedkhar University, Delhi
The Universities shall collaborate and support, each other academically, by conducting joint academic for smooth and effective growth of their respective School/Departments/Centres/Programmes/Courses.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Ahmadabad
The broad objective of the MOU are (a) to promte and enhance academic and research interaction and collaboration between UOL and SAC in area of mutual for benefits and (b) to provide a formal plateform for initiating and facilitating related pursuits.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Defence Institute of High Altitude Research (DIHAR),Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)
MoU between University of Ladakh and Institute of Nano Science and Technolog, Mohali
The areas of cooperation may be revised by mutual consent. However, specific programs
may require separate agreements detailed out and documented as annexures to this MoU.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Omdena, Palo Alto Global Company
The parties agree to work collaboratively.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Film and Television Insttitute of India (FTII), Pune
This Memorandum sets out the initial relationship between the parties as well as
respective rights and responsibilities of each party
MoU between University of Ladakh and Center of Excellence Intellectual Property (G-CEIP) in association with Goa College of Pharmacy (GCP)
The objective of this MOU is to express the willingness of both partles to engage in an effort to achieve
several main objectives to induce the spirit of inquiry in translating theoretical science into innovative.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Sarder Patel University
Sarder Patel University Mandi and the University of Ladakh are government-funded institute creatd through the act of state. To promote and support, academic and research for the development of excellence in both the institution, the two institution agreeed to cooperate.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Rayat Bahra University
This MoU between Rayat Bhara University and the University of Ladakh will outline the collabot=ration to facilitate the institution frame work for the enriching endeavour in the mutually agreed fired for academic, research, training and placcement with the following board objectives.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Govt. Middle School Taru
As requested by the Taru villagers and agreed by the Vice Chancellor, University of Ladakh, the University of Ladakh will adopt the Middle School of Taru village and will take the full resonsible for academic as well as other development of the school.
MoU between University of Ladakh and MoU- Snow Leopard Conservancy and Kalpavriksh- Environmental Action Group
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) shall serve as a written understanding of mutually agreed principles between UOL,SLC-IT,and KV to undertake activities of mutual interest to the three institution.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Kashmir University
The Universities shall share with each other the knowledge/ information and
publications/ magazines/ literature essential for the academic pursuit.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Mahraja Agrasen University Baddi, Himachal
In the spirit of friendship and with mutual interest in cooperation, the area of cooperation will include any programme offered at either University as thought desirable and feasible on either side and thad both side will contribute to the fostering and development of the cooperative relationship betweeen the two organization and to promote joint education and cultural collaboration.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun
Both the institution shall make best effort to resolve all difference and dispute arising out of this MoU amicably.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Foundation for Non-Violent Alternatives (FNVA), New Delhi
This Memorandum of Understanding is signed between the foundation for Non-violent Alteernatives (FNVA), a not for profit, non partism, public policy organization, registered as a trust in New Delhi and the University of Ladakh.
MoU between University of Ladakh and National Forensic Science University, Gujarat
Both the University shall make best effort to resolve all differences and dispute arising out of this MoU amicably.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Gujarat University
This MoU is intended to build mutual cooperation between GU and UOL so as to learn, assimilate and deveplop further on the core strengths, experience and institution objectives of the respective parties in public interest of the advancement of training, research studies etc.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre, (MIMC)
The Univerity of Ladakh (UOL) and Mahabodhi Meditation Centre MIMC, leh decided to entre into a Memorandum of Undersdtanding (MoU) for pursuing the programmes of mutual interest.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Indian Institute of Technology Jammu,(IIT)
To promote research and development relevant to the domain of interst to the proposed Centre of Excellence for Himalayan Studies.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Danish Consortium for Academic Craftmanship (DCAC)
The Parties are desirous of collaborating with each other in relation to the delivery of skilling and skill-related services for the Union Territory of Ladakh.
MOU between University of Ladakh and Munshi Azis Bhat Museum, Kargil
The University of Ladakh and Munshi Aziz Bhat Museum Kargil, while recognizing the mutual interest toward the preservation and promotion of Himalayan cultural heritage.
MoU between University of Ladakh and Indra Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak (IGNTU)
The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to foster collabration, exchange of faculty, student, ideas and research programmes facilities of IGNTU and UOL.
MoU between University of Ladakh and University of Delhi
Recognising that academic collaboration with institution across India and abroad thorugh mutually benefical programmes are important, the University of Ladakh (UOL) and the University of Delhi (DU) have decided to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
MOU between University of Laddakh and Govind Ballabh Pant 'National Institute of Himalayan Environment, (NIHE)
This MoU shall serve as awritten understanding of mutually agreed principles between the NIHE and the UOL to undertake activiies of mutual interest between the two institution for evudence based development of bewly created UT of Ladakh