

a) to become the cluster of vibrant institutions working to disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional and research facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit;

b) to act as a change agent by having special focus on the skill development and creation of skilled workforce by undertaking industry-oriented teaching, training and research, extension programmes and providing employable skills with a view to contribute to the development of the society;

c) to make special provision for integrated courses in humanities, social science and technology in its education programme;

d) to take appropriate measure for promoting innovation in teaching- learning process and inter disciplinary studies and research;

e) to establish linkages with industry for promotion of science, technology, entrepreneurial skills, innovation, etc. to and adopt innovation methods to achieve the status of a self-reliant institution and [No.37-18] The J&K Govt. Gazette, 16th Dec, 2018/25th Agra … 1940

f) to pay special attention to the improvement of the social and economic conditions and welfare of people and their intellectual, academic and cultural development.



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