Department of Sociology (Kargil)

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The Department of sociology was established in year 2021 at Kargil Campus University of Ladakh. There are 26 students pursuing their Master Degree. Our faculty and staff hope that you will take some time to explore our website and learn more about what we have offer in terms of our programme. Each of our faculty is passionate about sociology, as it not only reflects our career interest but also nearly every aspect of our daily lives. 

Since the inception the department has been cultivating the sociological imagination of students, helping them to understand the intricate workings of social world, and equipping them to make valuable contribution to a wide variety of fields. We have been conspicuous in addressing the challenges emerging from dynamic nature of society. This department accomplishes to instil research and academic ethics in us learns to supply best possible human resources to various academic and administrative orbits

The department of sociology provides a rigorous programme of study that allows students to develop intellectually, socially and professionally. We offer courses that analyse society from broad institutional and global perspective as well as courses that examine individuals and groups as they interact with others in the course of their daily lives. Our Masters programmes include, Gender and Society, Research Methodology, classical and modern theories, Rural sociology etc, these courses prepare students to value and understand the research process and how research based knowledge can be applied to help improve the quality of people’s lives.  

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