On May 31st , 2024, the University of Ladakh, in collabora=on with Columbia University and the University of Colorado Boulder, hosted a one-day round table discussion on "Sustainability, Tourism & Local Livelihood." The event aimed to bring together academics, policymakers, local stakeholders, and students to explore the interplay between tourism development and sustainable local livelihoods in the Ladakh region. The primary objec=ves of the discussion were to understand the impact of tourism on the local economy, society and environment and to iden=fy sustainable tourism prac=ces that can be implemented in Himalayan regions. It also aims to explore strategies for enhancing local livelihoods through sustainable tourism. The round table discussion featured a diverse group of par=cipants, including the Faculty and researchers from the University of Ladakh, Columbia University, and the University of Colorado Boulder. Some of the Key Discussions were: The Impact of Tourism on Local Economy and Environment. Tourism has significantly boosted the local economy by crea=ng jobs and increasing income for local businesses. The rapid growth in tourism has led to environmental degrada=on, including waste management issues, water scarcity, and loss of biodiversity. The connec=on of climate change and grazing paVern and the climate change and coping strategy for it along with the effect of caterpillar fungus based livelihood prac=ces and climate change in Himalayan region. Mr. Chris Jack a USA based rancher expressed his experiences views about sheep herding and challenges he is facing in his farm in USA. He advocated the adop=on of rota=onal use of farm land for grazing to minimize the impacts of caVle on ecosystem. The sessions were followed by ques=on answer session including climate change, resolving of tourism impacts, grazing and climate change, livelihood and climate change, sustainable tourism prac=ces in Ladakh, future research domain in Ladakh to develop a sustainable and community centric livelihood prac=ces. The one-day round table discussion on "Sustainability, Tourism & Local Livelihood" was a significant step towards fostering sustainable tourism in the Himalayan Region. The collabora=on between the University of Ladakh, Columbia University, and the University of Colorado Boulder highlighted the importance of academic partnerships in addressing global challenges. By implemen=ng the recommenda=ons from this discussion, Ladakh can work towards a more sustainable tourism model that benefits both the environment and the local communities.
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