Semester | Sr no | CourseCode | Course | CourseCredit |
Sem-1 | 1 | BED-C-101 | Philosophical Bases of Education | 4 |
Sem-1 | 2 | BED-C-102 | Growth and Development of the Learner | 4 |
Sem-1 | 3 | BED-C-103 | TechniquesofTeaching | 4 |
Sem-1 | 4 | BED-C-104 | EducationinContemporaryIndia | 4 |
Sem-1 | 5 | BED-C-105 | ICTSkillDevelopment | 2 |
Sem-1 | 6 | Int-I | Pre- Internship | 2 |
Sem-2 | 1 | BED-C-201 | Sociological Bases of Education | 4 |
Sem-2 | 2 | BED-C-202 | Understanding the Learner | 4 |
Sem-2 | 3 | BED-C-203 | Assessment for Learning | 4 |
Sem-2 | 4 | P-01-ENG | Pedagogy of English | 4 |
Sem-2 | 5 | P-01-URD | Pedagogy of Urdu | 4 |
Sem-2 | 6 | P-01-HIN | Pedagogy of Hindi | 4 |
Sem-2 | 7 | P-02-LSC | Pedagogy of Life Science | 4 |
Sem-2 | 8 | P-02-MAT | Pedagogy of Mathematics | 4 |
Sem-2 | 9 | P-02-PSC | Pedagogy of Physical Science | 4 |
Sem-2 | 10 | P-02-SST | Pedagogy of Social Studies | 4 |
Sem-2 | 11 | P-02-COM | Pedagogy of Commerce | 4 |
Sem-3 | 1 | BED-C-301 | Knowledge, Curriculum and Understanding Disciplines | 4 |
Sem-3 | 2 | BED-C-302 | School Management | 4 |
Sem-3 | 3 | BED-C-303 | School Internship /Microteaching | 4 |
Sem-3 | 4 | Int-I | Teaching Practice Pedagogy I | 6 |
Sem-3 | 5 | Int-II | Teaching Practice Pedagogy II | 6 |
Sem-4 | 1 | BED-C-401 | Gender School and Society | 4 |
Sem-4 | 2 | BED-C-402 | Guidance and Counselling | 4 |
Sem-4 | 3 | BED-C-403 | Inclusive Education | 4 |
Sem-4 | 4 | BED-C-404 | Environmental Education | 4 |
Sem-4 | 5 | BED-C-405(E1) | Distance Education and Life Long Learning | 4 |
Sem-4 | 6 | BED-C-405(E2) | Health and Physical Education | 4 |
Sem-4 | 7 | BED-C-405(E3) | Human Rights and Peace Education | 4 |
Sem-4 | 8 | BED-C-405(E4) | Life Skills Education | 4 |
Sem-4 | 9 | BED-C-405(E5) | E-Education Resource Development | 4 |
Sem-4 | 10 | BED-C-405(E6) | Population Education | 4 |
Sem-4 | 11 | BED-C-405(E7) | School Library and Information Services | 4 |
Sem-4 | 12 | BED-C-405(E8) | Reading and Refection on text | 4 |
Sem-4 | 13 | BED-C-405(E9) | Understanding the self | 4 |
Sem-4 | 14 | BED-C-405(E10) | Value Education | 4 |
Sem-4 | 15 | CB-01 | Field Trip/Cultural Festival/ /Community Based Activities | 4 |
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